Sphaerocarpos texanus
Sphaerocarpos texanus (Sphaerocarpaceae)
Texas Balloonwort
Tiny Green Bubbles
Distinguishing Features
A rarely-noticed but seemingly weedy species of disturbed soils, Sphaerocarpos texanus is amongst the most charismatic of liverworts in the region on account of its abundant, submillimeter "balloons". These structures actually enclose the reproductive organs, with the underlying leaves of the plant even less distinct, even with a hand lens.
Similar species
No other bryophyte in the region resembles this species.
Seasonally saturated and frequently disturbed fine soils in open areas (trail sides, parking lot edges, campsites, dirt tracks, sloughed-over moss mats) at low elevations.
Associated species
Gemmabryum barnesii, Plagiomnium cuspidatum, Cephaloziella divaricata, Fossombronia spp. Riccia spp.